Mrs. Sharon Davidsmeyer » Sharon Davidsmeyer's HS Structured Teaching Classroom

Sharon Davidsmeyer's HS Structured Teaching Classroom




Arrival Routine







Instruction until the students designated lunch period



First High School P.E./First Lunch



Second High School P.E./Second Lunch



Instruction until end of day routine



End-of-Day Routine


--Sit quietly at desk and wait to be dismissed

Be Safe 
Being safe means to be free from harm or risk.
Being safe means staying in your assigned area and following directions
All people: students and staff deserve to be safe
Be Responsible 
Being responsible means, taking ownership of your words and behavior and accepting the consequences of decisions made because of your behavior.
Being responsible is coming to school everyday
Be Respectful 
Being respectful means to be considerate of others feelings and property, being good listeners, treating others the way you want to be treated, respecting the learning of others, and acknowledging others’ ideas and/or opinions.
Being a successful student is a student who has good attendance, participates in daily instruction, and completes assignments. 
Being a successful student is a student who can follow the school rules!!
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me:
Phone: (217) 529-8849